
Hi! My name is Rebecca Mary Legowski. I'm a singer/songwriter, I play flute and keys.
My genres of interest range from light rock and pop, to Christian contemporary and Gospel, right through to classical crossover and world music. The only ones I don't do are hip-hop and metal.
I've loved things that made sounds since childhood. I got my first toy trumpet at 2 years old, and my first little Keyboard at 4. Many a happy hour was spent experimenting with the 100 sounds and a few backing beats. I think there were times where my parents wished that little keyboard had headphones...
In 2002, I had flute lessons at school, but mostly taught myself how to play. I'm ungraded, but since hearing a schoolfriend play a piece by James Hook from 1789, I've been fascinated with the sound of a flute and still play it to this day.
As the instruments got bigger and better, so did my taste for writing music. Eventually, a Casio CTK691 winged its way onto the desk in my room, and the Summer of 2004 was spent tape recording my first album, mostly of cover songs, but a couple of originals too. Backing tracks, organs, guitars, flutes and synth choirs made an entrance into a catalogue of 25 songs. which were then recorded to CD in 2005.
In 2010, I wrote my first set of lyrics and took them into a recording studio, where I got my first taste of professional recording techniques. 2011 saw me take some music mentoring at Square 1 Studios, Oldham. There, I experienced professional collaboration for the first time. I joined a church band in 2012, then had three more recording sessions before taking a break from music in 2015.
Like so many people around the world, covid restrictions put paid to my 2020 plans. However, something beautiful came out of the lockdowns. Having lost my uncle in May of that year, I decided to go back to music and write some new material. I spent that Summer searching out collaborators and met Day Garwood, a music fiend himself, and a pianist, composer and arranger.
Sending him the lyrics for "Change the World" was a nerve_wracking experience; it felt like baring my soul to someone I hardly knew. But I was glad to have done so, because the demo (whose vocalist was Jenny Suchan) was a joy to listen to! Day showed me how to use REAPER, an accessible and powerful DAW. We've been collaborating on songs and music beds ever since.
In 2022, I entered Let Me Know You into the UK Songwriting Contest and got to the semi-finals in the singer/songwriter category. Day and I also wrote our first Christmas song, which featured on "2022 a Piece for Christmas", a compilation album by Reapers without Peepers.
This year, it's world and choral music that's caught my attention. I'm always open to learning new music techniques, so who knows what my next ventures will be!
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