
It's really nice to have orchestral instruments or a good rock kit. But sometimes all your track or soundscape needs is a simple tone to level it up.
Here, you'll find some standard tones and others that are a bit outside the norm.
Let's start toning up your project now!


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Numbertone 1.1MB application/zip This SFZ instrument was born of an experiment shown to me a few weeks ago, where numbers were put into a text document and then converted into a sound!
Audio, in its most basic form, is just lots and lots of numbers. So imagine my fascination when I discovered, with a little bit of instructional text at the top of the document, I could put all my favourite numbers together and see what kind of tone was produced!
So here is the result. Enjoy!
Dedicated to my uncle Paul Bruno Legowski, born 2nd November 1956, died 24th May 2020.